1dream big is a film made by the
2 the saiga antelope is critically
3 the earthquake in turkey, in 1999,
killed almost people.
4 the kazakh steppe makes of
the country.
5 the crystal is in
6 khan shatyr opened in
7 polar bears live in a habitat.
8 the shape of khan shatyr is the
reason it can ​

Никита256366 Никита256366    2   25.09.2019 21:28    41

Мерконюк Мерконюк  08.10.2020 19:20


1 Greg Mac Gilivray

2 endangered antelope

3 17thousand

4 a third

5 cell phones, satellites and in almost every tech item

6 Astana

7 strict

8 400 times its own weight


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