1do you have a computer? 2 do you have an e-mail address? 3 do you check your e-mails every day? 4 how often do you surf the net? 5 what are your favourite websites? 6 do you know any teen websites? 7 have you downloaded anything recently? 8 do you have an online friend? 9 when did this friendship start? 10 have you ever done any online shopping? 11 what did you buy? 12 are you a blogger? 13 what do teen bloggers write about? 14 why do they do it? нужно ответить на вопросы и дать полные ответы занание

Alinka2i3 Alinka2i3    2   12.09.2019 11:50    2

GoldenKookieBunny GoldenKookieBunny  07.10.2020 09:37
1Yes, I have a computer
2Of course, I have an e-mail address
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