1brendan has got a brother. a double b twice c twin 2 what is your name? a full b long c whole 3 what is the date of your credit card? a end b last c expiry 4 madrid is the city of spain. a big b capital c head 5 it’s my birthday 5th august. a at b in c on 6 are you coming to the party saturday? a on b at c in 7 the is in the kitchen. a bathtub b fridge c bookcase 8 there is food in the cupboard. a any b a c some 9 could you go to the for some bread? a baker’s b butcher’s c chemist’s 10 don’t forget to put a on the envelope. a letter b mark c stamp 11 june is the month of the year. a sixth b six c sixteen 12 my uncle is a traffic . a man b guard c warden 13 pedestrians use the crossing to cross the street. a zebra b flat c foot 14 τhey usually go to school foot. a in b on c by 15 i can drive a car but i fly a plane. a don’t know b can’t c can to 16 harry usually his boat on saturdays. a drives b rides c sails 17 wear your coat, scarf and gloves. it’s cold. a freezing b boiling c pouring 18 there are separate for bikes, cars and buses. a files b lanes c lines

htntjtjt htntjtjt    1   04.08.2019 14:50    4

vladkaz21004 vladkaz21004  03.10.2020 22:05
1c 2a 3c 4b 5c 6a 7b 8c 9a 10c 11a 12c 13a 14b 15b 16c 17a 18b
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