1a: i have a really bad toothache. b: if i (be) you, i (see) a dentist. 2 a: why don’t you come out with us tonight? b: well, if i (finish) my project early, i (give) you a call. 3 a: i can’t believe you’re late again! b: i’m really sorry. if i (not/get stuck) in traffic, i (be) on time. 4 a: mr henderson, how do i make pink paint? b: well kim, if you (mix) white and red, you (get) pink. 5 a: what should we do, tommy? b: i’m not sure. if dad (be) here, he (know) what to do. 6 a: why didn’t you tell me that jennifer is back from rome? b: because i didn’t know! if i (see) her, i (tell) you!

sapro95 sapro95    1   13.07.2019 07:30    5

veronika56454 veronika56454  18.09.2020 21:17
1. Were, would see. 2. Finish, will give. 3. Hadn't got stuck, would have been. 4. Mix, get. 5. Had been, would have known. 6. Had seen, would have told
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