193. Find the right variant

Do you know it is my parents’ wedding anniversary next month? They married for thirty years.

a) are going to be

b) will have been

c) will be

d) have been

194. Find the right variant

I for ten minutes before the police came.

a) is waiting

b) am waiting

c) will be waiting

d) had been waiting

195. Find the right variant

Miss Bennet about the party.

a) have been told

b) was tolding

c) were told

d) was told

196. Choose the correct form of the verb in the Passive Voice:

In the near future school teachers will by computers.

a) replaced

b) be replaced

c) replacing

d) are replaced

197. Find the right variant

This old can read without glasses:

a) boy

b) girl

c) man

d) house

198. Choose the correct answer

There is often the danger of a of many diseases in dirty places.

a) extend

b) extension

c) enlargement

d) spread

199. Choose the correct answer

He in an office every morning from eight to twelve.

a) has been working

b) works

c) work

d) am working

200. Choose the correct answer

A good statesman, like any other sensible human being, always learns more from his than from his fervent supporters.

a) opponents

b) comrades

c) faults

d) enemies

201. Choose the correct answer

The newspaper to Scotland by train

a) was send

b) sent

c) will sent

d) is sent

202. Choose the correct variant

“I can’t stand modern music,” Mary tells me

a) Mary tells me she couldn’t stand modern music.

b) Mary tells me she can’t stand modern music.

c) Mary tells me she couldn’t stood modern music.

d) Mary tells me she couldn’t stands modern music.

203. Complete the sentence

They building the new road. They it.

a) has been / finished

b) are / don’t finish

c) is / are not finish

d) are / haven’t finished

204. Choose the correct answer

When we arrived at the cinema, the film .

a) had already started

b) has already started

c) is starting

d) starts

205. Find Past Passive Voice

a) is publishing

b) was published

c) is published

d) will be published

206. Choose the correct answer

A is a machine for cleaning carpets, floors and upholstery.

a) washing machine

b) washing powder

c) vacuum cleaner

d) clearance

207. Choose the correct answer

Mr. Brown am new car today.

a) was buying

b) has bought

c) were buying

d) have bought

208. Choose the correct answer

Grammar by our teacher .

a) explains

b) will explain

c) explained

d) is explained

209. Choose the correct answer

Sam had to take his exam one more time, .

a) didn’t he

b) hadn’t he

c) had he

d) did he

210. Choose the correct answer

Halloween is a public holiday on October 31

a) are celebrated

b) is celebrating

c) celebrated

d) is celebrated

211. Choose the correct answer

She is taking singing lessons with the aim an opera singer.

a) of becoming

b) to become

c) in becoming

d) to becoming

212. Complete the sentence:

I a new car. Do you want to see it.

a) bought

b) by

c) has been buying

d) have bought

213. To made the sentence

There is -1; a large -2; park-3; nice-4 in front of-5; our-6; house-7;

a) 7,3,2,1,5,6,4

b) 1,2,4,3,5,6,7

c) 2,4,1,3,5,6,7

d) 1,2,3,4,5,5,7

214. Find the right variant

If you come back at 10, still be working

a) were

b) was

c) did

d) shall

ZaraKerimova ZaraKerimova    1   22.05.2021 01:04    3

ngjjndnd ngjjndnd  21.06.2021 02:06
193. d
194. d
195. d
196. b
197. c
198. d
199. b
200. a
201. d
202. b
203. d
204. a
205. b
206. c
207. b
208. d
209. a
210. c
211. можно и a, и b
212. d
213. b (There is a large nice park in front of our house)
214. В последнем наверно забыли подлежащее
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