18 You are always… excuses for not …your home work on time. a). making, making b). doing, doir.g
c). making, doing d). doing, making
19. I can't speak French. 1 wish I…...
a). can b). would
c). could d). had been able
20. What time does your plane take…… ?
a). off b). out
c). to d). from
21. When I……for my passport, I …..this old photograph.
a). look, found b). was looking, found
c). will look, will find d). looked, found
22. I…..to the theatre for ages.
a). wasn't b). hadn't been;
c). won't be d). haven't been
23. Did you notice Nick….another student's paper during the exam?
a). looked at b). to look at
c). has looked at d). looking at
24. I… to live with my family, bus now I live alone.
a). am used b). used
c). am accustomed d). was used
25. You….have a passport if you want to travel abroad.
a). have to b). can
c). may d). might
26. She said that she…. her present flat and….to find another.
a). doesn't like, tried b). doesn't like, was trying
c). didn't like, was trying d). doesn't like, will try
27. If it….raining yesterday, we…. the game.
a). hadn't been, would have finished b). wasn't, will finish
c). weren't, would have finished d). weren't, would finish
28. The new highway…..sometime next month.
a). has been completed b). completes
c). will complete d). will be completed
29. I have always enjoyed travelling. My .sister,…..prefers to stay home.
a). although b). though
c). however d). But

30. Let's go now. It ….any more.
a) not raining b) isn't raining
c) is raining d) doesn’t

31. If you... busy, I’ll come tomorrow.
a) are b) is
c) will be d) shall be

32. Mike said that I…. for the classes.
a) should be late b) shall be late
c) will have been late d) will be late

33 You…. to work hard at your English..
a) must b) had
c) has d) shall have

34. I didn’t recognise Mrs. Jackson because she …a lot.
a) changed b)has changed c)hasn’t changed d) had changed

35. What shall I do with the books?" - "Put.. .in the bag.
a) it b) its
c) them d) theirs

36. Andrew drove….. along the narrow road
a) careful b) not careful
c) carefully d) not carefully

37. They have a few apple-trees …. The house.
a) at b) to
c) from d) behind

38. You often go to the cinema…. .you?
a) don’t b) doesn't
e) wasn't d) did

39. Выберите правильный вопрос к предложению.
It rained for three whole days.
a) Did it rain for three whole days ? b)Do it rain for three whole days?
c) Are it rained for three whole days? d) Rained it for thre whole days ?

40.In spiet of the rain we…our holidays.
a) disliked b) invited
c) waited d) enjoyed

41…..is a valuable soft yellow metal.
a) Iron b) Cotton
c) Silver d) Gold

42. The doctor was... for.
a) send b)sad
c)sent d)sand

43 The boss can't see you now, he is….
a) somewhere b) nowhere
c) free d)busy

44. I that the surfase of the Moon is mountainous.
a) disagree b) support
c) agree d) surprise

45. She Is known ….on a very important problem now.
a) to have worked b) working
c) to be working d) works

46. The traffic maid me as if my head would burst.
a) to have felt b) to feel
c) feel d)felt
47. She didn't know that the man ... carvings for 15 years.
a) had made b) had been making
c) made d) was making

48. I am not interested in his offer-…..
a) Neither am I. b) Either I am.
c) Nor am I. d) Neither I am.
49. Don’t be late,... ?
a) will you b) do you c) don't you d) won't you

rasimallamurato rasimallamurato    3   25.11.2021 11:49    10

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