(18) who jurassic park? a) did write b) wrote c) did he write (19) i the glass when i was pouring the wine. a) was dropping b) have dropped c) dropped (20) i don’t have money after the weekend. a) much b) lots c) many (21) you drive when you are feeling tired. a) shouldn’t b) don’t have to c) haven’t to (22) when argentina last? a) will you visit b) have you visited c) did you visit (23) when i went into my office, he for me. a) had waited b) waited c) was waiting (24) at home when i call him. a) he never is b) he is never c) never he is (25) i staying home tonight. a) am going to b) stay c) am (26) i’m looking forward from you. a) to hearing b) to hear c) hearing (27) he her over the last few days. a) hasn’t seen b) isn’t seeing c) didn’t see

пик124 пик124    1   09.09.2019 21:20    2

Yorgen1 Yorgen1  07.10.2020 04:02
18) a
19) c
20) a
21) a
22) b
23) c
24) b
25) c
26) b
27) a
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