(166 Fill in "what", "how long", "why", "how”, “how much”, “how many",
"where" or "when".
A: Good morning.
B: Good morning Mr Jones, please sit down. I need
some information. 1) What
are your qualifications?
A: I have a Chemistry Degree.
B: 2)
old are you?
A: I'm 27 years old.
B: 3)
did you study?
A: In London.
B: 4)...
do you work now?
A: At ABC Chemicals.
B: 5) have you worked there?
A: For three years.
B: 6)
do you want to leave?
A: I want a more interesting job.
B: 7) . do you earn there?
A: £10,000 a year.
B: 8)
weeks' holiday do you get?
A: Four weeks a year.
B: Oh, I see, and 9) . can you leave
your job?
A: In two weeks' time.
B: And 10) ..
job would you like
to do here?
A: I'd like to work in the Sales Department.
B: Well, that's all the information we need.​

Kotenok052000 Kotenok052000    3   27.02.2020 10:52    1

рыттп рыттп  27.08.2020 21:55


2how3where4where5how long 6why 7how much 8how many 9when 10what

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