№16 use verbs from the box in the present perfect to complete the sentences. eat, win, not paint, break, spend. they__have won a lot of . 1 the video doesn’t work. i think my little brother 2 i don’t have any money on me. i’m afraid i 3 there is no more chicken left. someone 4 the walls of the kitchen look dirty. we №17 complete the sentences. use the present perfect continuous form of the verbs. 0i’ve been sitting (sit) here for three hours! 1we…. (not cook) all morning. 2how long ….. (you /wait) to see the doctor? 3 she…. (not learn) french for very long. 4they …. (travel) for six months. 5how long…. (they/come) to madrid on holiday? 6 my sister…. 9talk) on the phone for hours! 7she must be tired. she….. (swim) all morning. 8he …. (not work) in zurich for very long. №18 put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. 0 she (like) cooking very much. 1 he can’t talk to you right now. he (have) a bath. 2 i usually (have) lunch at about 2 o’clock. 3.her parents (not believe) in god. 4.tom is a well-known author but he (not write) anything at the moment. 5they don’t want to help me now. they (watch) tv.

макс240723212321 макс240723212321    3   08.05.2019 20:16    0

Era2008 Era2008  09.06.2020 17:50


1 has broken 2 have spent 3 has eaten 4 haven't painted


1 haven't been cooking 2 have you been waiting 3 hasn't been learning 4 have been travelling 5 have they been coming 6 has been talking 7 has been swimming 8 hasn't been working


1 is having 2 have 3 don't believe 4 isn't writing 5 are watching

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