16. She apologised … me … her behaviour. a) to, with; b) at, to; c) on, for; d) to, for
17. “Iۥm sorry being rude to you.”
a) for; b) -; c) on; d) at
18. The police believe that there is no connection the two crimes.
a) between; b) for; c) with d) among
19. “This letter is in French. Could you translate it Russian, please?”
a) in; b) on; c)onto; d) into
20. “Have you ever heard the existence of Atlantida”?
a) of; b) about; c) -; d) from
21. All the players were divided four groups as it was written in the rules of the game.
a) for; b) on; c) of; d) into
22. While studying at the university he specialized ... chemistry.
a) at; b) on; c) in; d) of
23. It is going to be wonderful holiday! Tomorrow we are leaving the Bermudas.
a) on; b) for; c) to; d) towards
24. “If you are interested computers why donۥt you apply ... Microsoft Company?”
a) at, to; b) in, for; c) at, for; d) in, to
25. Living at a hotel you have to pay your room.
a) of; b) for; c) to; d)on
26. I hope the weather will be nice next weekend.
a) -; b) in; c) on; d) at
27. When I go to the cinema, I prefer to sit ... the front row.
a) in; b) on; c)at; d) near
28. There was not a cloud the sky.
a) in; b) on; c) at; d) out of
29. Welcome our country!
a) at; b) to; c) in; d) into
30. It is better for us to stay home.
a) to; b) in; c) -; d) at

Sultikutan Sultikutan    1   09.01.2022 04:26    2

angelinadvuradkina angelinadvuradkina  09.01.2022 06:00

16. She apologised … me … her behaviour.

 d) to, for

17. “Iۥm sorry being rude to you.”

 a) for  

18. The police believe that there is no connection the two crimes.

 a) between

19. “This letter is in French. Could you translate it Russian, please?”

 d) into

20. “Have you ever heard the existence of Atlantida?"

a) of  

21. All the players were divided four groups as it was written in the rules of the game.

 d) into

22. While studying at the university he specialized ... chemistry.

c) in

23. It is going to be wonderful holiday! Tomorrow we are leaving the Bermudas.

 b) for  

24. “If you are interested computers why donۥt you apply ... Microsoft Company?”

d) in, to

25. Living at a hotel you have to pay your room.

b) for  

26. I hope the weather will be nice next weekend.

a) -  

27. When I go to the cinema, I prefer to sit ... the front row.

a) in  

28. There was not a cloud the sky.

a) in  

29. Welcome our country!

 b) to  

30. It is better for us to stay home.

 c) - и d) at (оба ответа подходят)

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