16 с ! 1 . answer the questions. 1. where"s your house ? 2. what rooms are there? 3. what"s your favorite room? what"s in it? 2 . portfolio: use your answers in ex.6 to write an email to your friend describing your house (50-70 words). follow the plan. plan. hi para 1: greeting, opening remarks (thanks for your email about your house! ) para 2: where your house is, what rooms there are, (my house is near . it"s .) your favorite room ( my favorite room is it has got . there is also .) para 3: closing remarks ( that"s all fot now.) yours, (your first name)

Largo2000 Largo2000    2   08.07.2019 14:40    5

anastasiyaryum1 anastasiyaryum1  02.10.2020 22:52
1)Где твой дом?
2) Какие комнаты в доме.
3)Какая твоя любимая комная? Из-за чего?
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