16. read tobby’s description of his pet and complete it with the phrases from the box. meet my pet! a) has got b) mustn’t eat c) must take d) makes me e) can run my dog’s name is jack and it is two years old. it’s not very big but very strong. it is brown and white, it 1) … small years, short legs and a very short tail. i 2) … my dog for a walk twice a day! my dad sometimes helps me. i take it to the park. jack 3) … fast, but it can’t catch balls. jack must eat a lot of meat, but it 4) … ice – cream. i give it a lot of water too. my dog sleeps in my room. i love jack because it’s friendly, funny and clever. when i’m sad, it 5) … happy again. tobby, 11 1 1a 2b 3c 4d 5e 2 1a 2c 3e 4b 5d 3 1e 2c 3e 4b 5d

ElenaAristova1501 ElenaAristova1501    2   06.07.2019 20:30    2

SALATIN11 SALATIN11  14.04.2020 10:55
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