16. fill in its or it’s. 1. the car is nice to drive, but i like … its… colour. 2. this town is wonderful, … got lots of shops! 3. i’m staying at home today because … cold outside. 4. let’s go in here. … a cheap restaurant. 5. a bird has built … nest in our garden. 6. the company i work for has changed … name. 7. i saw a lovely dress in the shop window yesterday, but i didn’t see … price. 8. i like this game because … playing with the ball. 9. look at this table. … leg is broken. 10. i like your blouse. … like sandra’s.

алина3860 алина3860    3   11.07.2019 08:00    0

mikimaus4 mikimaus4  03.10.2020 01:05
1. The car is nice to drive, but I like its colour.  2. This town is wonderful, it`s got lots of shops!  3. I’m staying at home today because it’s cold outside.  4. Let’s go in here. It’s a cheap restaurant.  5. A bird has built its nest in our garden.  6. The company I work for has changed its name.  7. I saw a lovely dress in the shop window yesterday, but I didn’t see its price.  8. I like this game because it’s playing with the ball.  9. Look at this table. Its leg is broken.  10. I like your blouse. It’s like Sandra’s.
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