150 . составить диалог по . в диалоге 2 человека (примерно по 10 реплик у каждого) желательно использовать слова : you know, i mean, like, well, sure, weird, awesome, something like what, what`s up, really, take care. тема может быть знакомство или встреча.

morozhenka05 morozhenka05    1   10.06.2019 07:30    1

PhotoBelka PhotoBelka  08.07.2020 19:21
Встреча в кафе. Писал сам. - Hello! - Hello, i haven't seen you for ages! What's up? ( или how are you) - How did you spend your summer? - Well, June was, really awesome! My parents gifted me a dog, and i was taking care of him. - What is the name of the dog? - I was called him Steve, you know... like Steve Jobs. - Ok, continue. Well, July was great too! We was in Greece with my parents and Steve ( he was 3 months old ). We was in really cool hotel... Can't remember it. Ok. - Ok, i'm dying of curiosity, but... I'm late for school. Let's meet there, at this place, and, also, at thus time, Ok? - Ok, goodbye!
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