15 Present Perfect? Past Indefinite? Choose the correct form of the verb. (W)
1 There is nobody at home. Everyone (went, has gone) to watch the big parade.
2 We (did, have done) the shopping already.
3 I (saw, have seen) an interesting puppet show last Sunday.
4 The children (went, have gone) on camping trips two times in their summer
5 Suddenly a beautiful rainbow (appeared, has appeared) in the sky.
6 I never (saw, have seen) such an unusual map.
7 I am not hungry. I just (ate, have eaten) my dinner.
8 My friends (brought, have brought) flowers to the hospital when I was ill.
9 I (spoke, have spoken) by telephone with my granny in another city two timest
10 The vase (broke, has broken) into hundreds of pieces when it fell down.
11 My brother (caught, has caught) a bad cold during the last storm.
12 We (didn't choose, haven't chosen) a place to travel to yet.

Kondor1337 Kondor1337    2   18.02.2021 10:55    0

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