15 предложений, the present continuais tense

sofyaamosovap0cc8l sofyaamosovap0cc8l    3   19.07.2019 09:20    0

nabiullinnazim nabiullinnazim  13.08.2020 19:35
Вопросительные (Interrogative Sentences)
Are you a nurse?
She isn't here, is she?
Where are you going?
Is this your book or mine?
Will you go to the theatre or to the cinema?
Nobody knows anything about it.
This book isn’t interesting.
There’s nothing interesting in the book
There isn't a single picture in the book
Tom didn’t answer anything 
OМайгад OМайгад  13.08.2020 19:35

Вот отрицательные 5 :) Jenny isn’t joking when she says this
Zoyi is not complaining, is she?
Though tomorrow he is to meet Molly at the station early in the morning, now Peter is not sleeping.
Steven is not crying for help, though he is terribly frightened.
Samantha is not listening to you.
Are you smiling?

Is Megan making her bed?

Isn't Nick enjoying himself too much?
Tanya, are you crying?
Are Bobby and Ben making a spaceship or a helicopter?

5 побудительных 
She is smiling 
Im writing a letter 
If you're running Linux, you have to use another boot loaders.

I am eating now with Nick 
Chris thinks Liz is joking or something.

Не за что:)

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