15 напишите мини сочинение на 7-8предложений на тему какая сегодня погода

ApTeM098 ApTeM098    3   08.07.2019 00:30    1

сашапомогайка сашапомогайка  31.07.2020 01:55
The writing on the topic - What is the weather today? Today was overcast and there was a fog day) seemed that going to rain, but it was not raining. In the evening, the weather was good and I went for a walk))
freddylolbrO freddylolbrO  31.07.2020 01:55
Today the weather is very bad! All day the rain, the cold north wind blowing. The clouds hung over the city. Now I can walk! And I'm going all week! Then suddenly it snowed! All instantly covered with a white shroud. Dramatically improved my mood. Walking, I still did not go, but I have an hour admiring the wonderful view etip!
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