14 Complete the sentences with an is, are, do, does, or did. 1 Where do you like going on holiday
3 What's that book you
reading? Is it good?
reading a very good book at the moment
5 What
this word mean - Wired?
6 Oh, dear! It raining, and I don't have an

polina030502 polina030502    3   28.10.2020 09:07    3

valeriehunt valeriehunt  14.01.2024 18:33
1 Where do you like going on holiday?
In this sentence, we need to use the verb "do" to form a question. The subject of the sentence is "you," so we need to use "do" to match the subject. Therefore, the correct answer is: "Where do you like going on holiday?"

2 What's that book you...?
In this sentence, we have a contraction "What's," which stands for "What is." So, the missing verb is "is." The correct answer is: "What's that book you are reading?"

3 What's that book you are reading? Is it good?
In this sentence, we are asking a yes/no question. To form this type of question, we use the verb "does" or "do" depending on the subject. The subject here is "it," which refers to the book. Since "it" is a singular pronoun, the correct verb to use is "does." Therefore, the correct answer is: "Is it good?"

4 I am reading a very good book at the moment.
In this sentence, there is no missing verb. The sentence is already complete, and the verb "am reading" is correctly used to describe the action of reading. Therefore, no answer is needed for this sentence.

5 What does this word mean - Wired?
In this sentence, we are again asking for the meaning of a word. To form this type of question, we use the verb "does" or "do" depending on the subject. The subject here is "this word," which refers to a singular item. Therefore, the correct answer is: "What does this word mean - Wired?"

6 Oh, dear! It is raining, and I don't have an... umbrella.
In this sentence, we need to use the verb "is" to describe the action of raining. The correct answer is: "Oh, dear! It is raining, and I don't have an umbrella."

To summarize:
1 Where do you like going on holiday?
2 What's that book you are reading?
3 Is it good?
4 No answer needed.
5 What does this word mean - Wired?
6 Oh, dear! It is raining, and I don't have an umbrella.
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