14 Complete the letter below using the present perfect or the present perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Dear Joanna,
I'm sorry to hear that you 1).. haven't been.. (not/be) well recently. I hope you're feeling better now.
As you know, I 2)
...(not/exercise) for the last few months and of
course, I 3)
(put on) some weight. Anyway, I 4)
(decide) that I
really want to lose weight and get fit at the same time, so 15)
(join) the new gym in
Greenstone Park. It's got excellent facilities! I 6)
(be) there several times and I
really enjoy it. 17)..
(make) some new friends there, too! What else? Well, Rebecca and
1 8)
(study) really hard for the last two weeks because we have a Maths
exam tomorrow.
That's all for now. 9) (you/think) about where you want to go on holiday this
summer? Maybe we can go together!
Best wishes,

Глебочек Глебочек    1   10.09.2020 12:53    66

Лиса0399 Лиса0399  15.10.2020 19:51

2. haven't been exercising

3. have put on

4. have decided

5. have joined

6. have been

7. have made

8. have been studying

9. Have you been thinking

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