130. Преобразуй предложения из Active в Passive. 1. We measure humidity as a percentage. Humidity is measured as a percentage.
2. When the sun shines, it heats the Earth's surface.
3. The Sun influences the atmosphere.
4. For centuries people used their senses and experience to forecast weather.
5. We will predict the weather accurately in the future.
6. Warm and cool air changes our pressure.
7. Today scientists predict weather on a scientific basis.
8. Warm and cold air brings about winds.
9. The scientists started official weather observation at the station 30 years ago.
10. At the International Weather camp we will show you different measuring

elyakomarova0 elyakomarova0    2   26.01.2022 22:38    2

Илья0956 Илья0956  26.01.2022 22:40

2. When  the sun shines, the Earth's surface is heated.

3. The atmosphere is influenced by the Sun.

4. People's senses and experience were used to forecast weather for centuries.

5. The weather will be predicted accurately in the future.

6. Our pressure is changed by warm and cool air.

7. Today weather is predicted on a scientific basis.

8. Winds are brought about by warm and cold air.

9. Official weather observation at the station was started 30 years ago.

10. Different measuring instruments will be shown you at the International Weather camp.

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