13 put the verbs in brackets into the required past tense.
1. she was very excited because he
(play) games for several hours.
2. anthony
(walk) a mile when he changed his mind and went home.
3. when we woke up it_
(still, rain).
4. he took the paper and
(start) to read.
5. when he entered the kitchen ann
_ (wash) the dishes.
6. we
(come) from the party by 11 o'clock.
7. she
(break) her glasses when she was in the countryside.
8. when the guests arrived, the host
(already, lay) the table.
9. before he took the pill he
(read) the indication attentively.
10. my mother
(dig) in the garden for two hours when she decided to
have a rest.

плиз168 плиз168    3   17.09.2019 14:06    650

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