13. образуя вопросительную и отрицаrельную форму предложений. 1. my friend lives in london 2. her uncle speaks french badly. 3. it often snows in winter 4 . he is my best friend. 5. his parents get up very early 6. they listen to the news every evening 7. we usually spend our holidays in the country 52 8. they are our relatives 9. my sister wants to become a teacher 10. her child likes to read the fairy-tales.

Zalis1 Zalis1    2   28.09.2019 09:03    2

handogin1999 handogin1999  09.10.2020 00:19

1 doesnt live

2 doesnt speak

3 doesnt snow

4 isnt

5 dont get up

6 dont listen

7 dont spend

8 arent

9 doesnt

10 doesnt like

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