13 It's so crowded here. There are _meny people.
14 You can
use your mobile in the library,
15 These questions were easy, Verant tandley
costumes who walk slowly along the river and
(10) There is a massive fireworks display
which lights up the river with a dazzling show of
colour. Large (11) line up along the river to
ser the fireworks display, but don't worry –
there's usually (12) space for everyonel
These are just a few ideas of what to do, come
to London and see for yourseli exactly how
much there is on offer in the UK's biggest city.
1 A In B through Cbetween
2 Aalong across
elinte D beside
3 A on B past C through Dalong
4 A amazing B amazed Cexhausting :D
SA have B should C shouldn't can
5a Read the text and choose the correct
optlon A, B, C or D.
Visiting London - Tips for Visitors
London is a huge city. What should you see if
you only have a couple of days? Here are some
6 Altis Bis Care D there are
7 A tall B tallest C most expensive D
8 A that Bit is. C which is a which it is
9 A must B have to c mustn't D don't have to
10 A first 3 next Cafter that D while
11 A crowds B people c musicians D cars
12 A a lot 8 too much C many D enough
5b Read the text again and answer the
1 Who Is this text for?
Go on a boat trip. The River
Thames runs
the centre of London and there are
many famous buildings (2) the sides of the
river. Arelaxing way to see the city is to take a
boat trip (3) the Palace of Westminster,
the London Eye, the Tate Modern Museum and
St. Paul's Cathedral. You'll see all the famous
sights while you're sitting comfortably
taking photos. Of course, if It's raining it isn't so
Visit the London Eye. This is one of the most
popular sights in London. You'll get an (4)
view of London from the top. You (5)
there early because (6)
often long queues,
especially in the summer holidays or book online
and you won't have to queue, But don't go if you
are scared of heights – it's one of the (7).
uctures in London,
Go to o festival. Many people have heard of
the Notting Hill Carnival, but it's not the only
street part in London. Why not visit London
during the Mayor's Thames Festival (8)
mid-September each year and is all about
bringing people together. There's a carnival
atmosphere to the two-day festival with street
entertainment, artmusic and dance
performances along the banks of the river. And
you (9)
buy tickets - all this fun
entertainment is free. On the last night, there's a
parade of dancers and musicians in colourful
2 Why is a boat trip a good way to see London?
3 How can you avoid the queues at the London
4 What can you see from the top of the London
5 Where does the Mayor's Festival take place?

13 It's so crowded here. There are _meny people.14 You canuse your mobile in the library,15 These qu

Ayei Ayei    2   24.05.2021 12:33    3

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