13. Исправь ошибку. 1. Who bring books to you?

2. Who did took the book back to the library? 3. Who Nick can reach the highest bookshelf?

4. Who will buys books for you?

5. Who was the main heroes of the book?

6. Where did Peter Pan lived?

7. Why the cow became a domestic animal?

8. Who were at the library yesterday?

ЭммаУаилд ЭммаУаилд    2   29.04.2021 12:14    1

artem1514 artem1514  29.04.2021 12:20

1. Who did bring books to you?

2. Who did take the book back to the library?

3. Who can reach the highest bookshelf?

4. Who will buy books for you?

5. Who was the main hero of the book?

6. Where did Peter Pan live?

7. Why did the cow become a domestic animal?

8. Who was at the library yesterday?


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