12. They say he’ll never his dismissal. A) get on with B) get along with C) get over D) get off 13. I tried to telephone Istanbul yesterday, but I just couldn’t . A) get on with B) get along with C) get through D) get off 14. Mr. Brown is so old now he just can’t as he used to. A) get about B) get away C) get around D) off 15. There’s no doubt that he’s guilty and I’m sure he won’t . A) get about B) get across C) get off D) get away 16. I’ll have so much spare time, I’ll probably some kind of hobby. A) take up B) take along C) take down D) take in 17. Have you any idea which son of his will when he retires? A) take up B) take along C) take over D) take in 18. He’s very funny when he his grandfather. A) takes off B) takes to C) takes after D) takes for 19. She her friends for advice on investing her money. A) looks after B) looks away C) looks to D) looks into 20. It’s very difficult to a person who has so many prejudices. A) take to B) take off C) take in D) take for 21. The line’s very bad. It’s difficult to what he’s saying. A) make off B) make out C) make for D) make up 22. I don’t really like his being absent so much, but he does the most amusing excuses. A) make for B) make up C) make away D) make out 23. They attacked the poor man and every penny he had. A) stole him B) stole of him C) robbed him D) robbed him of 24. To avoid paying death duties, he’ll his whole estate to his son this year. A) make over B) make for C) make off D) make up 25. No, the burglar didn’t take too much, but he did manage to some of my best carpets. A) make for with B) make out with C) make off with D) make of with 26. Helen served tea them. A) from B) to C) in D) at 27. I want to pay the book. A) at B) for C) of D) to 28. She takes her shoes when she enter the house. A) on B) in C) off D) of 29. Put your sweater before you get out. A) on B) in C) down D) at 30. The tourist asked some information. A) of B) for C) from D) to 31. I don’t like hot drinks. A) serve B) serving to C) to serving D) being served

NikaMalinka2 NikaMalinka2    1   17.10.2020 13:10    7

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