12. match the sentences (1-5) with the correct phrasal verb (a-f). one word is extra. 1) i always … something low fat in a restaurant. a) look after 2) players usually … before a match. b) ask for 3) they … homeless animals. c) take off 4) the planes … at the airport. d) warm up 5) people should … their mobiles in public places. e) switch off f) make up 13. match the beginnings of the expressions to the endings. 1) i’m really looking a) kidding! 2) you’re b) sure? 3) are you having c) a drink? 4) would you like d) a good time? 5) are you e) forward to it. f) recover soon. 14. match the words with their opposites. one variant is extra. 1) empty a) loudly 2) whisper b) land 3) quietly c) full 4) take off d) behind 5) in front of e) shout f) short 19. put the words in order to make an english proverb. 1) the cat 2) cream 3) its eyes 4) while stealing 5) shuts

franciskthedirty franciskthedirty    2   30.05.2019 08:50    2

Reшка Reшка  30.06.2020 08:48


1.I always ask for something low fat in a restaurant

2. Players usually warm up before a match.

3.They look after homeless animals.

4.The planes take off at the airport.

5.People should switch off their mobiles in public places.


1. I am really looking forward to it.

2. You are kidding!

3. Are you having a good time?

4. Would you like a drink?

5. Are you sure?


1. Empty-full

2. Whisper-shout

3. Quietly-loudly

4. Take off-land

5. In front of-behind


The cat shuts its eyes while stealing cream.

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