12.3* Заполните пропуски прилагательными в сравнительной степени, дополненными словами much, a lot, far, a little, a bit для указания степени различия: 1. The sky isthan it was yesterday (clean). 2. The weather isthan it was yesterday (good).
3. My colleagues arethis week than they were last week (busy). 4. This way to the rathvay station is
than that one (short). 5. This dictionary isthan that one (bad). 6. I've got..,
friends than you've got (many). 7. I've been to Europetimes than you've been (many), 8. I've got
work than my colleague has got (little). 9. My sister remembers by heart L poems than I
remember (few). 10. This magazine isthan that one (interesting). 11. This car is
than that one (expensive). 12. This poet is than that poet (talented).

danilp18 danilp18    3   18.01.2021 14:32    30

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