11. впиши модальный глагол must, may, can или could по смыслу. • i am sorry. …i come in? • … you help me in my work? • children … play football on the playground. • my sisters is little, but she … read. • … l invite nick to our house? • you … work hard at your english. • don’t ring him up: he … be very busy. • you … read this book. you know english well. • … l put the book on that table?

НaстяРайская НaстяРайская    1   20.08.2019 01:50    3

stesin761 stesin761  05.10.2020 06:18
1. May i come in. Can yoy help. Children must play. But she can read. May i invite. You must work. He can be. Your could read. May i put.
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