11. …she like swimming? a do b is c does 12. we don’t …. to do this exercise. a must b have c need 13. it’s women’s day ….8th march. a on b in c at 14. how …. going to the theatre? a about b much c like 15. maths is the ….lesson on monday. a one b first c two 16. they usually go to school ….bus. a on b by c in 17. i …speak english, but i can’t speak french. a must b can c have to 18. we didn’t … to the museum a month ago. a go b went c going 19. you must ….your hands before dinner. a brush b wash c clean 20. these melons are lovely and … a sour b sweet c salty 21. my little brother …. a glass of juice every morning. a drank b is drinking c drinks 22. watch ….! there’s a bus coming. a out b up c over 23. we’re going to …..a performance tonight. a go b visit c attend 24. i want to …a picture of the building. a go b take c look 25. he often ….the shopping on sunday. a goes b do c does 26. what are you …? a doing b going c do 27. he …like playing monopoly. a isn’t b doesn’t c didn’t 28. they are …of swimming. a keen b fond c love 29. on new year day we always ….gifts. a change b exchange c transfer 30. it’s time to … morning exercises. a do b take c play 31. mike’s birthday is … july. a in b on c at 32. they have english lessons …the afternoon. a in b on c at 33. always stop at the traffic … when they’re red. a roads b pavement c lights 34. susan is doing the …..she loves plants and flowers. a gardening b homework c cleaning 35. what ……are you? i’m german. a occupation b profession c nationality 36. pamela likes baking . a cakes b soup c tea 37. this girl is ….than that one. a tallest b tall c taller 38. she is the ….pupil in the class. a good b best c better 39. can you pass me a ….of milk, please? a bottle b box c packet 40. is there …yogurt in the fridge? a any b some c no

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