11. подчеркните правильную форму глагола в present simple: 1jacob live / lives in manchester. 2 i work / works in the city centre. 3 we catch / catches the 7: 50 train to work. 4 she eat / eats lunch in the staff restaurant. 5 you have / has eight members in your team. 6 he leave / leaves work early on monday.

mokeevayulichk48 mokeevayulichk48    1   07.09.2019 12:20    4

sematom sematom  06.10.2020 23:01
1Jacob lives in Manchester.

2 I work  in the city centre.

3 We catch the 7:50 train to work.

4 She eats lunch in the staff restaurant.

5 You have eight members in your team.

6 He leaves work early on Monday.
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