11 используйте план в .10, чтобы написать свою собственную (не больше 110 слов). затем проверьте себя по списку и сделайте какие-либо необходимые улучшения.
• очевидно ли разделена на абзацы?
• описывает вступление место действия?
• представлены ли события в том порядке, в котором они происходили?
• содержит ли заключение чувства персонажей?
• использовали ли вы времена?
- слова-ссылки?
- различные прилагательные и наречия?
• есть ли грамматические/орфографические ошибки?
• использовали ли вы соответствующую пунктуацию?

Juliabelich2004 Juliabelich2004    3   02.12.2019 15:54    10

Sss5555500 Sss5555500  10.10.2020 17:52


It was a dark, stormy afternoon during the school holidays and Ann and Tim were watching TV at home, feeling bored. 'I know, Ann! Let's go to the castle.' Tim said excitedly. 'There's a good museum there.'

It was late afternoon when they arrived and they were the only visitors. 'Ooh, it's a bit scary in here!' Ann said as they were walking slowly through the cold, dark rooms of exhibits. 'Don't be silly,' Tim replied.

Suddenly, Tim noticed an interesting exhibit which was a model of a man wearing a very old costume. He stood next to him and Ann took a photo of them with her digital camera, but then when she looked at the screen she couldn't believe her eyes! Tim was standing alone in the photo - the man wasn't next to him! Then, they looked up and saw that the model wasn't in the room any more! It had disappeared!

Ann and Tim ran quickly back to the reception desk. They were terrified! They told the lady there their story. 'Ah-ha! That wasn't a model, that was Henry, the museum ghost,' she said, smiling. Tim looked at Ann. She was completely white!

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