11 Complete this conversation with will or won’t and the verbs in brackets.
A: The pipeline (1) (go) south of the forest and then the bulldozers (2) (clear) a route to the north.
B: When (3) (we / start) work? Next week?
A: No, we (4) (not start) until next month.

12 Complete this text. Write the numbers in brackets as figures.
Very large crude tankers can carry between (1) (two hundred thousand) and (2) (three hundred and twenty thousand) dead-weight tonnage. The DWT of this tanker is (3) (five hundred and sixty-three thousand eight hundred). The length is (4) (three hundred and fifty) metres. It has a beam of
(5) (forty-three) metres.
13 Rewrite these sentences using the words in brackets.
1. He normally goes swimming. (twice a week)

2. Dalya plays the guitar. (sometimes)

3. Nasser plays football. (never)

4. She listens to music. (every day)

5. I go cycling at the weekend. (always)

14 Complete this table.
1 country
2 foot
3 test
4 bush
5 plate
6 receiver
7 inch

15 Put these words in the correct order to make sentences about refineries and refinery jobs.
1. oil / is separated / components / The / different / into / crude

2. products / are added / final / make / to / the / Chemicals

3. in / area / Hazardous / are stored / the /materials / hazmat

4. tests / Lab / the / carry out / products / technicians / on

5. instructors / in / emergency / train / procedures / Safety / all the employees

16 Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
1 ‘What’s the matter with you?’ ‘I a cough.’
A am having B having C am D have
2 ‘What’s the problem?’ ‘I my hand.’
A hurt B am hurting C have got hurt D am hurt
3 ‘What’s up with you?’ ‘’
A I have eye ache. B My eye aches. C My eye hurts. D I’ve got eye hurt.
4 ‘What do you do?’ ‘I new employees in fire safety.’
A maintain B train C check D repair
5 ‘What’s their job?’ ‘They tests in the lab.’
A troubleshoot B add C repair D carry out

17 Are these sentences correct (C) or incorrect (I)? Correct the mistakes.
1 This is the bigger tank farm we have. ( C / I )

2 Our longest tanks are twenty metres. ( C / I )

3 The pressure is highest than in other tanks. ( C / I )

4 The refinery isn’t furthest – only two kilometres from here. ( C / I )

5 Is butane heavier than air? ( C / I )

6 This is the more important depot in the whole country. ( C / I )

18 Complete these sentences with the past simple of the verbs in brackets.
1 The alarm system (not go off).
2 He (turn on) the lights.
3 The fuel (ignite).
4 What (cause) the fire?
5 What (you / do)?
6 How (the fire / start)?
7 He (forget) to switch off the power.
8 They (come) to help immediately.

alex12345lex alex12345lex    1   23.04.2020 13:53    4

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