11 Can we stop walking soon? (1/ start) to feel tired.
12 A: Can you drive?
(1/learn). My father
(teach) me.
13 Normally
(1/finish) work at five, but this week
(1/work) until six to earn a little more money.
14 My parents
(live) in Manchester. They were born there and have never
lived anywhere else. Where
(your parents/live)?
15 Sonia
(look) for a place to live,
(she I stay)
with her sister until she finds somewhere.
16 A: What
(your brother I do)?
B: He's an architect, but
(he / not / work) at the moment.
17 (at a party)
(1/ usually enjoy) parties, but
(1/not/ enjoy) this one very much.​

ironfist2 ironfist2    2   10.09.2020 05:51    11

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