10задание гпоаоішшцащпвлдфщйдцлуьаьаьа

10задание гпоаоішшцащпвлдфщйдцлуьаьаьа

doreaan doreaan    1   02.02.2021 15:33    0

pomogyte67 pomogyte67  04.03.2021 15:39

1.Im found of reading

2. I prefer to read adventures and detective stories.

3. Romeo and Juliet , for example

4. Mockingbird , Women in business

5. It's not difficult, but sometimes I need to translate unknown words

6. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

7. Mark Twain and Jack London are my favorite writers

8. Mockingbird

9. No, they don't

10. Yes, I do

11. Only If I exited by this book

12. Mockingbird

13. Egor Gord

14. Lust for lush life, honesty, kindness

15. We can learn some usefull advice from authors and study on other's experience

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