100. переведите ! только правильно и без переводчика, я проверю! однажды собака по имени каштанка потерялась. её подобрал артист цирка. дрессировщик дал новую кличку каштанке. он назвал её тёткой. дрессировщик начал дрессировать тётку много времени и дрессировщик решил выпустить тётку на арену цирка. когда тётка вышла на арену её узнали прежние хозяева и начали звать. тётка услышала родные голоса, а потом залезла к зрителям. вот так каштанка вернулась к прежней жизни.

Frapado Frapado    1   24.06.2019 01:10    2

Варя0601 Варя0601  19.07.2020 17:56
Once a dog named Kashtanka lost. She picked upcircus performer. The trainer gave a new nickname Kashtanka. He called her aunt. The trainer started to train aunt. It took a long time and decided to release the trainer aunt at the circus. When the aunt came into the arena of its former owners learned and started to call. Aunt hear a native voice, and then climbed to the audience. That's how Kashtanka returned to his former life.
umidmadrimow580 umidmadrimow580  19.07.2020 17:56
One day a dog Kashtanka lost. She picked upcircus performer. The trainer gave a new nickname Kashtanka. He called her Aunt. The trainer started to train Aunt. Took many time and decided to issue the trainer aunt at the circus. When the Aunt came into the arena of its the former owners learned and started to call. Aunt hear a native voice, and then climbed to the audience. Like this Kashtanka returned to his former life.
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