заполните пропуски артиклями.
1. can you explain idea of the article?
2. i’m afraid it will be waste of time.
3. please get scarf of wool for him.
4. she is daughter of sportsman.
5. the children had found box of matches and were playing with it.
6. roof of the house is very old.
7. you’ll have to pay fine of fifty pounds.
8. you must speak to owner of the company first.
9. i saw him speaking with group of students yesterday.
10. the article deals with the latest discoveries in field of medicine.

заполните пропуски артиклями.
1. he felt for the key in pockets of the jacket, but found nothing.
2. the doctor says that state of his health is poor.
3. let’s climb to top of the hill.
4. i need pound of sugar and box of chocolates.
5. the country has area of 96,000 sq. km.
6. price of fuel has grown recently.
7. i know he has just bought a car at price of about 30 thousand dollars.
8. there is something wrong with leg of the table.
9. he was man of a medium height.
10. he liked glass of beer on a hot day.

eX6ToR eX6ToR    2   06.08.2019 11:33    44

polinabaysha polinabaysha  04.10.2020 00:58


1. Can you explain the idea of the article?

2. I’m afraid it will be a waste of time.

3. Please get a scarf of wool for him.

4. She is a daughter of a sportsman.

5. The children had found a box of matches and were playing with it.

6. The roof of the house is very old.

7. You’ll have to pay a fine of fifty pounds.

8. You must speak to the owner of the company first.

9. I saw him speaking with a group of students yesterday.

10. The article deals with the latest discoveries in the field of medicine.


1. He felt for the key in the pockets of the jacket, but found nothing.

2. The doctor says that the state of his health is poor.

3. Let’s climb to the top of the hill.

4. I need a pound of sugar and a box of chocolates.

5. The country has the area of 96,000 sq. km.

6. The price of fuel has grown recently.

7. I know he has just bought a car at the price of about 30 thousand dollars.

8. There is something wrong with a leg of the table.

9. He was a man of a medium height.

10. He liked a glass of beer on a hot day.

PlayGirl1999 PlayGirl1999  04.10.2020 00:58


1) the

2) a

3) a

4) a, a

5) a

6) the

7) a

8) a

9) a

10) the


1) the

2) the

3) the

4) a, a

5) the

6) the

7) the

8) a

9) a

10) a

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