10.Закончите предложения в соответствии стекстом. 1.Almost everything we do is governed by...

a)rules imposed bymorality.


c)some set ofrules.

2.If we didn't live in a structured society with other people...

a)we would simply do as weplease.

b)we would simply do with little regard forothers.

c)laws would not benecessary.

3.Laws against criminal conduct help...

a)to protect ourproperty.

b)to take advantage of otherindividuals.

c)to safeguard our personal property and ourlives.

4.We turn to the law...

a)to resolve disputespeacefully.

b)to decide who is the real owner.

c)to force people to keep theirpromises.

5.Another goal of the law is...

a)to protect certain basic individual rights andfreedoms.


c)to provide forbenefits.

12.Замените русские слова в скобках английскимиэквивалентами.

The aim of (права) is to regulate the conduct of human beings in society. The aim of (правовой) theory is (рассмотреть) the nature, origin and classification of law. The theory of natural law is based on the belief that there is a set of perfect (юридических норм) for human conduct and (законы) devised by men must be induced by these rules. (Закон) is a term which is used in many different senses. To (юриста) law has a far narrower meaning - the principle recognized and applied by the state in (суде). The English (правовая система) has still been copied by many nations. (Судебный процесс) becomes the center of a contest between both parties in which one emerges as the winner. By the time of (судебного разбирательства) each (сторона дела) should gain as much information aspossible.

lllGlitcherlll lllGlitcherlll    1   19.03.2021 09:26    46

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