10. Use the suffixes -er/-or/-ician/-ist to give the names of the following.
1) A person who studies or does research in the science.
2) A person who is a specialist in cybernetics.
3) A person who invent, design, analyze, build, and test machines, systems, structures and materials.
4) A person who travels in search of geographical or scientific information.
5) A person who tries to find out the facts in order to learn how it happened, who did it.
6) A person who creates something useful for the first time.
7) A person who has knowledge and training in a technical process.
8) A member of an academy for promoting science, art, or literature.
9) A person who deals with the relationships between groups of living things and their
10) A person who practises medicine and helps restore health through the study, diagnosis.
and treatment.

aylincik930 aylincik930    3   23.03.2020 16:37    19

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