10 советов здоровый образ жизни тема на языке

абвгдежзи7777 абвгдежзи7777    3   16.09.2019 17:10    2

nastu41 nastu41  07.10.2020 20:10

1) You should do morning exercises.

2) You should eat healthy food.

3) You shouldn't sleep less than 7-8 hours .

4) You should regularly have a rest  and spend more time in the open.

5) You shouldn't eat much salt and sugar.

6) You should drink enough water.

7) You shouldn't spend much time in front of TV.

8) You shouldn't play computer  games all the time.

9) You shouldn't skip breakfast, lunch or dinner.  (But not to overeat)

10) You should go in for some sports.

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