10 Read the theory. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Time clauses
Time clauses are introduced with: when, as, as soon as, while, before, after, etc. When a time clause comes before a main clause, we separate the two clauses with a comma. We do not use will/won't in time causes.
When he arrives, he'll give us a call He'll give us a call when he arrives COMPARE: When will he arrive? (when = question word)

1 A) When before Bayantake the car to the mechanic?
B): I'm not sure - when he (ask) him (come) home

2 A) Is it too late to go to the cinema?

B)Yes, the film (start) by the time we (get) there

3 A) Has Leyla called you?
B)Not yet. As soon (have) as any news, I (let) you know

rostislavcapsu rostislavcapsu    3   21.10.2020 15:39    27

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