10 put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect simple or the past perfect continuous. a: are you alright? you look tired. b: yes, i am. i didn’t sleep very well. i 1) just (just/go) to sleep last night when a lot of noise outside woke me up. i got up and went to the window. i (stand) there for a few minutes when two police cars stopped out¬side my house. i went downstairs and a policeman told me that two prisoners (escape) from prison and were hiding in the area. a: did they catch them again? b: yes, but i didn’t sleep very well after that. a: did you do anything exciting at the weekend? b: not really. by the time i (do) my shopping and cleaned the house, saturday was nearly over. what about you? well, i (plan) to go out with my friend but she was late and i 3) …….(wait) for nearly two hours before she phoned me to say she couldn’t come after all. that’s a shame. next weekend, we should go somewhere nice together.

Dinozavrik2525 Dinozavrik2525    1   21.05.2019 19:50    3

ИЛЬЯ2161 ИЛЬЯ2161  16.06.2020 17:45




3)were escaping



1)was doing

2)was plaining

3)was waiting





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