10 предложений в сравнительной степени(на английском) ​

khvvt1 khvvt1    1   07.02.2021 14:08    2


1. Your sister reads better than my sister. Твоя сестра читает лучше, чем моя.  2. My hair is longer than your hair.   У меня волосы длиннее, чем твои.  3. This book is more interesting than that one. Эта книга интереснее, чем та.  4. My father is taller than my mother. Мой папа выше, чем моя мама. 5. A rose is more beautiful than a lily. Роза красивее, чем лилия. 1. This is the best day in my life. Это самый лучший день в моей жизни. 2. He is the oldest in our family. Он самый старший в нашей семье.  3. The most important question was decided at the meeting. Самый важный вопрос был решён на собрании.  4. This kind of sport is the most useful for children. Этот вид спорта самый полезный для детей.  5. Who is the cleverest among you? 5. Кто самый умный среди вас?


fivmif fivmif  07.02.2021 14:10

1. My house is bigger than yours.

2. My house is the biggest in the world.

3. This flower is more beautiful than that one.

4. This is the most interesting book I have never read.

5.Which is the most dangerous animal in the world?

6.A holiday by the sea is better than a holiday in the mountains.

7. This ticket is more expensive that last year.

8. Who is the richest woman on earth?

9. The weather this summer is even worse than last summer.

10.He was the most clever their of all.

11.My hair is longer than your.

12. My little brother is the happiest baby in the world.

13. My sister is taller than your .

14. This box is the biggest.

15. English is more difficult than German.


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