10 отрицательных 10 повествовательных 10 вопросительных одинаковых предложений на надо ! за ранее)

musmus11 musmus11    1   21.08.2019 18:10    2

саня30970 саня30970  26.08.2020 07:59
1.1Los Angeles is a huge city in southern California.
 2 Is Los Angeles a huge city in Southern California
 3 Los Angeles is not a huge city in southern California
2.1 The weather is cold today
2 Is the weather cold today
3 The weather is not cold today
3.1 She cooked yesterday
2 Did she cook yesterday
3 She did not cook yesterday
4.1 My sister will go to school tomorrow
2 Will my sister go to school tomorrow
3 My sister will not to go to school tomorrow
5.1 Her father is cooking a borsch at the moment
2Is her father cooking a borsch at the moment
3 Her father is not cooking a borsch at the moment
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