10) Complete the sentence with the proper verb-form: Jack (just) his medical checkup. a) will finish; b) was finishing; c) was finished; d) has finished
11) Give Russian equivalent for the word << calf >>
a) кадык; b) голень; c) икра; d) коленная чашка
12) Find the translation of the word : << cold plaster >>
a) холодный пластырь;; с) освежающая салфетка; b) холодный компресс; d) лейкопластырь
13) Choose the synonym: << steam kettle >>
a) ice bag; b) hot-water bag; c) enema; d) inhaler
14) Find the odd word: a) lip; b) nose; c) feeding-cup; d) tooth
15) Match the columns :
(1) марля 6) ланцет a) pad f) sponge (2) губка (7) банки b) cups g) soap (3) игла (8) скальпель c) needle h) basin (4) таз (9) мыло d) gauze i) scalpel (5) тампон (10) носилки e) stretcher j) lancet
16) Complete the sentence with the proper modal verb: Migrating birds sense changes in atmospheric pressure when they fly.
a) may; b) can; c) might; have to
17) Match disasters with their definitions:
(1) drought a) shaking of the ground (2) flood b) a huge mass of snow falling dawn the slide of a mountain (3) earthquake c) a period of time with no rain (4) avalanche d) large amount of water that carries an area which is usually dry (5) tornado e) a violent wind storm which consists of a tall column of air spinning around very fast
18) Choose the sentence with the Passive Voice:
a) Everybody should lead a healthy lifestyle. b) In 2004 tsunami killed many people in India c) Moscow was founded by Uri Dolgoruki in 1147. d)The Russian Federation is a presidential republic.
19) Choose the sentence with false content (содержание):
a) The symbols of Canada are the kangaroo and the emu. b) Ottawa is the capital of Canada. c) There are no big industrial plants in Canberra. d) Canberra is washed by three oceans.

mariesoe mariesoe    3   10.06.2020 15:18    6

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