10 circle the correct answer. 1. how butter is there in the fridge? a. many b. much c. some 2. there is book in the bag. a. a b. some c. many 3. how bananas are there in the fridge? a. much b. some c. many 4. there are carrots on the plate. a. some b. a c. an 5. i have apple in my bag. a. a b. an c. some 6. he couldn`t go school yesterday. because he ill. a. is b. wasn`t c. was 7. where your brother yesterday? a. was b. were c. is 8. you speak english when you were fifteen? a. could b. can c. were 9. write about your sister`s / brother`s / parents` hobby. 10. write: what is there in your fridge? ! !

virusvirus93 virusvirus93    3   20.07.2019 07:40    2

amirak471 amirak471  03.10.2020 08:35
1 B
2 A
3 C
4 A
5 B
7 A
8 A
9 My brother`s hobby is reading. He likes to read very much. Whe he has free time he always takes a book, sits in an armchair and reads some adventure or detective story.
10 There is a bottle of milk, some butter, a dozen of eggs, some carrots, lettuce and some meat in my fridge. 
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