10.6.11 for each question, complete the second sentence
so that it means the same as the first. use no more than
three words.
1 my father said, "did you watch the rocket take oft? "
my father
i had watched the rocket
take off.
2 “there are probably canals on mars," the scientist said.
the scientist
probably canals
on mars.
3 "you won't have power for the next hour," the engineer told
the crew.
the engineer told the crew that
power for the following hour.
4 “there hasn't been a manned spacecraft launch in years,"
she said.
she said that there
a manned
spacecraft launch in years.

маша3025 маша3025    1   11.12.2019 16:29    67

instajoha1p0917j instajoha1p0917j  22.12.2023 05:38
1. My father asked if I had watched the rocket take off.
To form the second sentence, we need to change the reported question into indirect speech. We use the verb "asked" to indicate that someone said something, and then we need to use the conjunction "if" to introduce the reported question. The verb tense in the reported question also needs to be changed to the past perfect tense to match the tense of the reporting verb. Finally, we include the subject "I" and the verb "had watched" to complete the second sentence.

2. The scientist suggested that there were probably canals on Mars.
To form the second sentence, we again use indirect speech and the reporting verb "suggested." We include the conjunction "that" to introduce what was said, and then we use the verb "were" to match the tense of the reporting verb. We also include the words "probably canals" to convey the same meaning as the original sentence, and specify that they are on Mars.

3. The engineer told the crew that they wouldn't have power for the following hour.
To form the second sentence, we use the reporting verb "told" in indirect speech, indicating that someone said something. We include the object "the crew" and the conjunction "that" to introduce what was said. We change the verb tense from "won't have" to "wouldn't have" to match the tense of the reporting verb. Finally, we include the words "for the following hour" to convey the same meaning as the original sentence.

4. She said that there hadn't been a manned spacecraft launch in years.
To form the second sentence, we once again use indirect speech and the reporting verb "said." We include the conjunction "that" to introduce what was said, and then change the verb tense from "hasn't been" to "hadn't been" to match the reporting verb tense. We also specify that there was a manned spacecraft launch in years using the word "a" before "manned" and include the words "in years" to convey the same meaning as the original sentence.
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