10.5.2 Fill in: optimistic, confident, focused, persistent, open-minded, ambitious.
1 Aidar is very
he gives all of his
to his work.
2 Assel always looks on the bright side - she's
3 Ulan is ... he is happy to accept
other people's ideas.
4 Saule is so that she plans to
build the world's most advanced robot.
5 I'm very in my own ability to
design a great invention
6 Nurlan is very he never gives up.​

voobonaolor voobonaolor    2   27.12.2020 09:26    25

manerov68 manerov68  12.02.2021 21:21

1 Aidar is very focused, he gives all of his attention to his work.

2 Assel always looks on the bright side - she's very optimistic.

3 Ulan is open-minded he is happy to accept other people's ideas.

4 Saule is so ambitious that she plans to build the world's most advanced robot.

5 I'm very confident in my own ability to design a great invention.

6 Nurlan is very persistent he never gives up.


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