10.1. Раскройте скобки в предложениях, поставив глагол в правильную грамматическую форму: 1. I (speak) to her several times, but she always
(read) and (not hear) me.
2. He (lose) his watch while he (see)
the sights of the city.
3. He (teach) English for two months when he
(live) in Germany and (work) as a journalist.
4. I (open) the door just as Tom (ring) the bell.
5. The house (burn) fast, so we
(break) a window to get out.
6. Maisie (cook) fish when I first (ask) her to marry me.
7. We (walk) to the station when it (begin) to rain.
8. We (run) under a bridge when the storm (break).
9. My sister (drop) two cups while she
(wash up) last night; neither of them (break).
10. She (put) on her raincoat when it (start) to rain.
11. When the teacher (come) in, the boys (play).
12. The ship (sink), so all the passengers
(jump) into the boats.
13. He (think) of something else all the time you
(talk) to him.
14. He (eat) three sandwiches while you (talk) to him.
15. When I (see) him, he (sing) and
(smoke) a cigar at the same time.
16. Maisie (peel) potatoes when Tom
(ask) her to marry him.
17. The dog (bite) her on the ankle while she (catch) it.
18. While he (get) off the bus, he (fall)
and (cut) his face.
19. He (lean) against the door and
(listen) to the radio when I first (try) to speak to him.
20. While he (write) a letter the telephone
(ring); as he (go) to answer it, he (hear)
a knock at the door; the telephone still (ring) while he
(walk) to the door; but just as he (open) it,
it (stop).

dilyara112005 dilyara112005    1   09.12.2020 11:13    10

лера2345 лера2345  09.12.2020 11:20

Хотя твой вопрос чень длинный,

но ответ очень короткий

(К словам в скобках добавь это "ing" и всё

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