1. Завершите фразы, выбрав подходящие по смыслу варианты. Укажите номера выбранных вариантов в талоне ответов. This is a true story which (a) to have happened somewhere in the USA. A man who was (b) housebreaking appeared in court.
He had put his arm through the window of a house and stolen some money (c) on a table inside. The argument of the man's lawyer wasn't very impressive. He said that (d) the man's arm that had (e) and not the man himself.
'You cannot punish a man for what his arm has done,' said the lawyer.
a) 1) is supposed 2) supposes 3) is being supposed
b) 1) blamed for 2) accused of 3) going to be punished because
c) 1) who was lying 2) which was laying 3) which was lying
d) 1) there was 2) that is 3) that was
e) 1) committed a crime 2) committed the crime 3) resolved the crime