№1.заполните просуски союзами in order to, so as to, so that или частицей to : 1.they wen to the their friend. 2. the car a woman could walk. 3. my sister is going to study london for paris. 4. my father turned on the watch the latest news. 5 we bought a son could work anywhere. №2 дополните предложения по смыслу : 1. she took several books in 2. he bought a new car 3. my parents called my tutor so as 4. i called for jane to 5. she read those articles in order 6. i'll attend his letcures so that я печатала в ручную и могла допустить ошибки, но надеюсь это не помешает))

01lina10 01lina10    2   10.08.2019 07:40    1

Maara Maara  04.10.2020 08:53
1. they went to the hospital__to___see their friend.
2. the car stopped__so that_ a woman could walk.
3. my sister is going to study French__so as to_leave London for Paris.
4. my father turned on the television__to_ watch the latest news.
5 we bought a laptop_ so that __our son could work anywhere.
1. She took several books in orderto read them.
2. He bought a new car so___as to drive there.
3. My parents called my tutor so as __to teach me.
4. I called for Jane to ___come.
5. She read those articles in order __to learn it.
6. I'll attend his lectures so that __I am ready to pass.
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